Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No Speaka Espanish

O.k. so we start every day with Spanish class.....Professor Judith Caballero has given lessons on food, culture, and various "other" conversations.....Well, yesterday she served some sort of food to the class.  All I can say is it was some sort of almost black gelatinous fruit thing, but it turned out pretty good. Can't exactly remember the Spanish word for it.  I don't have my cheat sheet, but it was a fruit called quince in English.  Today, Judith raised the level to Spanish Torture.....particularly against Harrison!  (see the second video below)  I'll let you be the judge:

More to follow about the Spanish class....and some Machismo walking ability! - Allen...yes, we are going to find that video and post that one!  Lucky you, it is currently lost in the camera somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun way to learn more Spanish! Can't wait to see more.
